Investment Strategy Insights

The latest research & strategic thinking from Tristan Capital Partners

From Simon Martin, Chief Investment Strategist & Head of Research

What does higher for longer mean?

8 months to the first US cut?? My view is that you should figure out when did real rates go positive and then figure out the length of time it took in prior cycles for the Fed to cut from a positive real rate point...

ECB ... on the path of monetary policy ...

This article is interesting - I am not sure it tells us alot about the short run direction of rates but it does lay out very clearly some of the key structural changes that are going to drive the thinking of central banks for the coming decade ...

These are not just small 'c' changes ... they are big secular shifts that move beyond the impacts we typically have to deal with ... so we should expect that these ideas will also reshape the way the global economy ... and equally change the way in which capital gets priced and allocated ...

Worth a read ... these are big shifts ... tectonic historic changes ... there is a 'Great Transition' coming and it seems to me that it will be every bit as transformative as the shifts we saw in the late 80s and early 90s ... correspondingly reshaping for this new economic reality will need to become part of all of our collective investment strategies ... whether we like change or not!

Junk food frenzy ...

Never has one had to pay so much for something that was so bad for you ... (but tastes nice)...