The office debacle in the US is going to create distress - the challenge will be what to do with the wreckage ... it's not completely clear what the alternate economic use is for a 1 bilion (yes that's a b not an m) sqft of empty office ...

Let's put that in context - filling it up based on 15sqm per person (which is generous by global standards but CBRE's base case) would require 6.5m new office using workers... which the average US office using staffer is less than 50% WFH is actually somewhere north of 13m actual jobs ... which (if you use CBRE's job growth portal) implies that you'd need to see at least a 30% increase in the no of people working in the industries that feed office job growth ... that's the step up from 32m to 45m ...
Based on the historic trajectory of job growth that's more than 10 years of growth (the US has added 7m jobs since 2008 (about the same 30% growth). Possible - yes ... probabe... you tell me ..

IMHO it will be almost impossible to grow your way out of this if you are levered ... my guess is that almost all of what is physically empty needs to be repurposed and probably half of what is practically empty (grey space or leased space that is only being marginally utilised) needs to go the same way... to get the market back to normal ... that's going to soak up a vast amount of capital ... and leave some pretty big holes in bank balance sheets in the US regional banking system...