Investment Strategy Insights

The latest research & strategic thinking from Tristan Capital Partners

From Simon Martin, Chief Investment Strategist & Head of Research

Steeper curves are going to be a feature of the next few years ...

Higher levels of CPI given tight labour markets, supply chain and geopolitical factors coupled with a very large (and potentially growing deficit) make it highly likely ... this is - however - going to mean that a lot of issuers will be faced with rising costs of debt if they wish to have long term financing in place ... which may mean they roll down the curve and finance short term more frequently than they might want to ... this means more liquidity risk in aggregate than we have seen in recent decades ... and adds some volatility and uncertainty to the capital markets mix ... and it will create some pinch points, inefficiency and opportunities - particularly in the parts of the market that need long term funding sources for capex intensive projects ... that banks and traditional capital providers will struggle to cope with ...
Lots of things to think about when allocating capital and designing strategies... particularly for those of us in private markets...

Nice ...

European CPI & what it means for us ...

This chart shows how economists have been revising down their estimates CPI - they have consistently over estimated the levels of CPI as the economy has slowed ... although energy prices will likely cause a further spike in CPI as we roll into the year end ... and we continue to believe that a tight labour market across the region (and supply chain frictions) will put a more solid floor under CPI (relative to the post GFC period) ... it is very apparent that the economy is not as strong as its US counterpart and that it wil need some support - given burgeoning budget deficits in many states this seems unlikely to be delivered by significant fiscal easing ... so we think that adds a faster pace of monetary easing and thus a steeper curve ... this is good for banks and should help bring credit back on line ... which given the credit sensitivity of the CRE sector will provide a strong cyclical impulse to CRE ... that should lift CRE values .... spinning up this system takes abit of time so in our opinion it will show up first in 'seculars' where the operating fundamentals have strong thematic tailwinds supporting them ... and then ripple out into the 'cyclicals' ...

A lot of chitchat about Quantum...

Quantum is a massive leap forward in processing power that could supercharge compute ...and given our focus on digital infra as a potential investment opportunity, it is something that we have been watching ...Watch Quantum Computing - Bloomberg
The article below does however demonstrate that it is not there yet and may not really be all that useful when it comes to the tasks that most of us want to do day to day (not that I want to game all day..🙂
Perhaps the most interesting angle of this discussion is the potential to use ai to code it ... doing things faster than we can ... that said it might come at the cost of recognising that we would be in a world where for the first time we might be unable to understand how a momentous jump in technological prowess was achieved ... that is a whole other philosophical debate ...

Credit in US CRE ...

As owners take their marks ... so banks and creditors take their losses ...